20 years

April 18th, Maribor, Slovenia, Europe

Wanna feel how we rocked 20 years ago?


Welcome to our biggest international event of 2020! International presenters, who each have at least twenty years of work in fitness behind them, will make the BODIFIT convention an unforgettable experience.


Twenty years ago, BODIFIT organised Maribor’s first international fitness and aerobic convention. 


Since then, over 30 such events have taken place – international BODIFIT conventions, festivals, EUROFIT FESTs.

With these events, we have put Slovenian fitness, as well as Maribor and Slovenia, on the map.


At the time of the 20th anniversary of Slovenia’s biggest, and now internationally recognized brand BODIFIT, we want to demonstrate what it was like 20 years ago.

Facebook event:

20 years of conventions



THE ULTIMATE BODIFIT CONVENTION OF MEMORIES of the start of organised fitness in Slovenia.


We have again invited some international experts from the first BODIFIT conventions, who – after 20 years! – still teach and share their knowledge to new generations. May it last for many more years …

The event, by BODIFIT Academy, is dedicated to everybody that likes moving, that wants to merge expertise, movement, tradition, quality and fun. We expect hundeds of fans, recreationalists, those who have never tried such exercise, as well as professionals (instructors, personal trainers). We will present the newest traditional and new-age kinds of exercise. With this one-day event, we will sum up the most popular trends from the world of fitness in the past decades.

 Incredible sports & recreation event for fans of movement, dance, fitness, aerobics and all other types of group exercise.



Aero hi-lo party
Thai kick – KICKIN’ HARD
Lunch break
House DOOM
GLP step
BODIFIT retro party (ŠTUK)

Mid-afternoon, you will have the chance to try something new! ROOTAPE will take place in Slovenia – for the very first time! At 2 p.m., in the dance hall, led by Gio Bandanas.



The BODIFIT convention was among his first conventions at the start of his European career. At our very first convention, we met the young, promising and then unknown Gil Lopes, with an unforgettable addition – somersaulting off the stage! 

After 20 years, this young Brazilian presenter, thanks to his charisma, persistence and hard work, now works for the powerful European brand G. L. P. ACADEMY, which now impresses and educates instructors in over 40 countries worldwide. He also leads the Gil Lopes convention, which has taken place every year (for fifteen years) in Rome. His conventions have outgrown all expectations in only a few years and have become acknowledged worldwide. G. L. P. ACADEMY is one of the lead academies in freestyle methodics of step and dance exercise, while Gil is among the best known presenters in the world!


GIL LOPES, incredibly creative and charismatic, after 20 years, in retro style of the BODIFIT convention!


Amika is the mother of modern approach to group exercise – she’s a methodical, didactical and charismatic instructor, who was known as one of the best Croatian instructors, presenters and coaches already before 2000.

After 20 years, she owns two Amika centres with a team of instructors, who are impressing people in Zagreb, while she also owns exclusive schools for health training/health-focused exercise and rehabilitation. Soon she will finish her Ph. D. at the Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology. 

The acknowledged instructor and exerciser with more than 25 years of experience is known in Croatia as the pioneer of the Tae-bo trend of exercise, funky aerobics, army drill as well as pilates.


AMIKA TOMČIĆ, still charismatic and unique, will, after 20 years, once again shine at the BODIFIT convention!


Ever the innovator, Marko turns his dreams into reality through persistence, determination, dedication and hard work. He says the best feeling is doing the things which others said were impossible! 20 years ago, he was already known as an instructor and presenter at different conventions. With the first convention, he proved that the Yugoslav scene of fitness and group exercise can be brought to Maribor. Even then, he was already setting fitness trends in Slovenia with his team of instructors and coaches.

In the 20 years, BODIFIT has become an internationally known fitness organisation, while Marko has become an expert – personal trainer, fitness and group exercise instructor and pilates teacher, and is one of the few Slovenian presenters invited to congresses, educations and conventions by acknowledged foreign fitness organisations. BODIFIT has become a brand with 7 fitness centres, 8 shops and the BODIFIT ACADEMY. Marko is in his 25th year of professional fitness work and has been sharing his knowledge at congresses, courses, workshops and conventions in Slovenia and abroad for over 20 years. And yet – that’s only the beginnning.


MARKO GERŠAK, always the motivator and always full of ideas, is constantly improving and upgrading his concepts. Still, he says one’s biggest achievement is returning to basics, which is exactly where he’s going with the BODIFIT convention!


Gio Bandanas has been working as a fitness instructor and personal trainer for 25 years. In that time he’s also specialised in caribbean, hip-hop and jazz styles. In 2001, he took two Sports Aerobics titles in Italy and was in Italy’s national team for three years. Since 2002, he’s been impressing with his choreography in Italy, USA, Russia, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Turkey, France, the Netherlands …

After 20 years, he’s used his experience to develop Movida Fitness® and Rootape® (pilates and functional) programmes, for which over 400 instructors have been trained.

For the BODIFIT convention, GIO BANDANAS is preparing a dance-exercise experience, which will demonstrate his years of specializations of all sorts of dance and music styles that he’s been through in the past 20 years.


For over two decades, Orlando has been active in the field of fitness in Croatia, as well as in other countries in the area of ex Yugoslavia. In the late nineties, he represented Croatia at several world fitness and health congresses, conferences and conventions, where he impressed fans with his house moves.


20 years after the first BODIFIT convention, he now owns three most prestigious 5-star fitnes centres in Zagreb (with his brand OrlandoFit). He also distributes world-class fitness equipment and machines over the world. He uses different training concepts to maintain his health, while his work as a personal trainer, pilates instructor, instructor of functional and TRX trainings as well as other personal and group fitnes programmes, is now led by his team of instructors, coaches and coworkers.


At the BODIFIT convention, ORLANDO LOPAC will once again show that years of regular fitness only improve the quality of one’s life – just like a well-aged wine!

Create a moment of movement

The convention is also a story of charity. In our annual action Create a moment of movement we are raising money for the Hajnc twins. Nik and Jan are 5-year old twins, who have level 4 cerebral palsy due to lack of oxygen at birth. We will publish more information on how you can contribute soon …

BODIFIT retro party

We will end the convention with a party at Štuk.

Just like at the convention, we will reminisce of 2000 at the party - by being dressed in sports/fitness outfits of that time.